- Employment Law
- Employee Management Services
- Employee Performance Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Employment Rights & Obligations

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Employment Rights & Obligations Legislation
As an employer you will no doubt find employment law and all of the complications that go with it a complete nightmare that you could do without! As not every business has the luxury of an in-house specialist (and even professional personnel managers can have difficulty in keeping tabs on the bewildering flow of UK laws, EU regulations or Tribunal/Court decisions) the job of maintaining good employee relations often falls on the employer who has plenty of other pressing concerns. Unfortunately, the full complexity of employment law only comes home when relations break down and sizeable cash penalties often follow.
Every stage of recruitment, hiring and managing (including dismissal) is covered and regularly updated; ensuring that as an employer you have the latest advice on how to make employment law work for, not against, your business.
We offer a comprehensive range of services to assist Employers of all sizes in dealing with the following range of issues in terms of current legislation:
- Recruitment
- The Employment Contract
- The National Minimum Wage
- Working Time Regulations
- Staff Monitoring and Appraisals
- Personnel Records
- Employee Sickness
- Maternity, Paternity, Adoption & Parental Rights, Flexible Working
- Equal Opportunities and Discrimination (Sex, Age, Disability, Race, etc)
- Discipline and Grievance
- Termination of Employment
Our involvement will:
- Ensure Employment policies and procedures are up to date and understood by your managers and supervisors
- Advise on how to effectively manage employee performance, or, if necessary, how to discipline or dismiss employees
- Use our expertise to achieve the best possible outcome in employment tribunals
- Advise on how best to deal with redundancy situations
- Draft Employment Contracts that afford the maximum protection to the Employer
- Negotiate termination settlements in a manner that keeps the cost to the Employer at a minimum
- Advise on Compromise Agreements
- Assess forthcoming legislation and advise on how best to ensure compliance
- Reduce the need for involving solicitors unless required to represent you in litigation, thereby minimizing legal costs
We can identify any shortcomings in your existing systems and procedures and provide proposals to rectify this.
We are also able to offer a comprehensive package of Employee Management & Conflict Resolution activities, that can either be provided as a total service, or any part of it as a stand-alone service, or to implement it in your business to be managed by your own staff.